Sunday, November 20, 2011


Frenchie has blogged about her love of knitting. Personally, I've never been what I call "crafty." But after I got out of the hospital a year ago, finished further recovery, and Romeo, Tybalt and I moved into our new apartment, I felt I needed a hobby. So I started by making one baby blanket for Tybalt, and finding it was relatively easy to do as well as a cute little creation, I proceeded to make baby blankets for everyone I knew, and said hobby was found.

Becoming slightly addicted to finding and buying the adorable patterned fleece, a supply of it soon piled high in my walk-in closet. So, this holiday season I decided to enroll in a few craft fairs, put all that fleece to good use by making a buttload of blankets, and try my hand at selling them.

It's been an enjoyable albeit interesting experience. I've had more interest from potential customers than I expected. (I was secretly afraid some people would laugh my "craft" off.) And I've made some sales. But I've noticed that many folks still just don't seem to have the disposable income to spend much at craft fairs. While my blankets aren't expensive, little items here and there add up, and I understand that. Fortunately, like I said, it's been enjoyable as well. I've met many friendly fellow crafters. I've also learned new skills and found out what it takes to start a small business.

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